
Birdy and Bright is a happy place. We celebrate the weird and wonderful and put great efforts into turning that frown upside down.

Powerfully positive vibes... and sometimes a little silliness...in designs available on prints and other merch, so you can stay inspired and spread the good word. 

All designs are my own. I love putting these together and hope you will love them too. Inspiration strikes at the strangest of times, but most of these come from my own life experiences and observations of the world, things like mental health, neurodiversity, emotions. I also love taking negatives and flipping them into positives. Language can be great fun :)

And, this is more than a shop. It's a space. I want to nurture a community that can talk openly about mental health and support each other. So please be kind when engaging with each other on the socials.

We wield our words with the power of positivity to make things better. Sometimes being wholesome, sometimes with a little sass. Do gooding never looked so cool.